New position 1: Generation and simulation of a cerebellar robotic controller

New deadline 15/05/2024


Application for

Generation and simulation of a cerebellar robotic controller

are open, deadline 15-05-2024 at 12:00 PM

 Italian (pages 1-15) and English version (from pag 16) are available here 


Antonietti A, Geminiani A, Negri E, D’Angelo E, Casellato C, Pedrocchi A. Brain-Inspired Spiking Neural Network Controller for a Neurorobotic Whisker System. Front Neurorobot. 2022 Jun 13;16:817948. doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2022.817948. PMID: 35770277; PMCID: PMC9234954.





ilsole24ore_effettogiorno intervista al prof D’Angelo

Prof Egidio D’angelo interview by Alessio Maurizio (Effetto giorno radio24.ilsole24ore) on the breaking news given by Elon Musk

The first human received an implant from @Neuralink yesterday and is recovering well.